“Engaging white students in conversations about race” (Simmons, 2020)
“The ‘critical race theory’ panic reveals why white students must be included in our equity efforts” (Griffin, 2021)
“The weaponization of whiteness in schools” (Dillard, 2020)
“Unpacking ‘I’m afraid’: Confronting colleagues who avoid teaching & talking about race” (Ursin, 2021)
“What is white privilege, really?” (Collins, 2018)
“Why white students need multicultural and social justice education” (Eakins, 2020)
Podcast: “Disrupting whiteness in the classroom” (Harvard EdCast, 2021)
Podcast: Teaching while white
Video: “6 ways to be an anti-racist educator” (Simmons, 2020)
Video: “How to be an anti-racist teacher in a mostly white school” (Coe, 2021)
Visit Racial Equity Tools to learn the fundamentals of racial equity work and take action to create change.
Visit for specific action steps that white people can take to move from actor to ally to accomplice.
“14 antiracist books for kids and teens recommended by BIPOC teachers and librarians” (Reeve, 2020)
“Confronting white privilege” (Swalwell, 2012)
“Exploring privilege with young adult literature” (Boutelier, 2019)
“How should I talk about race in my mostly white classroom?” (Anti-Defamation League, 2017)
“Privilege list: Consider your experiences” (Boutelier)
“This comic explains how privilege works” (Morris & Lu, 2017)
Black appetite. White food. (Lyiscott, 2019)
Feeling white (Matias, 2016)
For white folks who teach in the hood…and the rest of y’all too (Emdin, 2016)
Letting go of literary whiteness: Antiracist literature instruction for white students (Borsheim-Black & Sarigianides, 2019)
Reading while white blog
Teaching while white: Addressing the intersections of race and immigration in the classroom (Roy, 2018)
“Teaching white students about racism: The search for white allies and the restoration of hope” (Tatum, 1994)
The guide for white women who teach Black boys (Moore, Michael, & Penick-Parks, 2017)
"What does injustice have to do with me?": Engaging privileged white students with social justice (Nurenberg, 2020)
“Where to start” from Teaching While White
White fragility (Diangelo, 2018)
White rage (Anderson, 2016)
Working through whiteness and white supremacy in English education — Special Issue of English Education (2019)