“A better fall is possible” (Cohodes, 2020)
“Speaking up against racism around the new Coronavirus” (Dillard, 2020)
“Supporting a restorative opening of U.S. schools” (DePaoli, Hernández, & Darling-Hammond, 2020)
“Teachers, we cannot go back to the way things were” (Love, 2020)
“The pandemic is an extraordinary opportunity to reform US education” (Barocas & Lacy, 2020)
Podcast: How students and schools can recover from Coronavirus (UChicago’s Big Brains, 2020)
Podcast: The science of school reopenings (New York Times’ The Daily, 2020)
Video: COVID-19: Teaching from a trauma-informed perspective (Howard University, 2020)
Use this list of resources from The Washington Post for specific actions you can take to aid communities in need during the pandemic.
Coronavirus and infectious racism (Anti-Defamation League)
Equity literacy during the COVID-19 crisis (DuBose & Gorski)
Student voices on COVID and BlackLivesMatter (Daniel & Braverman, 2020)
What do safe, respectful and inclusive virtual classrooms look like? (Anti-Defamation League)
Equitable Practices for Online Learning (Intercultural Developmental Research Association, 2021)
Guidance on culturally responsive-sustaining remote education (NYU Metro Center)
Trauma-informed school strategies during COVID-19 (National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2020)