“8 to abolition” summary and “If you’re new to abolition” study group guide (2020)
"A BlackLivesMatter co-founder explains why this time is different” (Chotiner & Tometi, 2020)
A “Herstory” of the #BlackLivesMatter movement
“Our education was founded on white supremacy. A conscious re-education is necessary” (Marcus, 2020)
“Why teaching Blacklivesmatter matters” (Pitts, 2017)
Podcast: Miseducation (Teens Take Charge, 2017-2020)
Video: “School to prison pipeline" (Youth for RISE Advocacy Network, 2017)
Video: “The illiteracy-to-prison pipeline” (Griggs, 2019)
Visit the NAACP’s Take Action page for initiatives to support racial justice and civil rights.
“2020 U.S. demonstrations syllabus” with Pre-K through 12 resources for anti-racist teaching about the #BlackLivesMatter movement (2020)
“BlackLivesMatter at school” resources (National Education Association, 2020)
“Centering #BlackLivesMatter to confront injustice, inspire advocacy, and develop literacies” (Polleck & Spence-Davis, 2020)
“Curriculum resource guide” (Black Lives Matter at School, 2021)
“Resources for abolitionist teaching” (Teachers 4 Social Justice, 2020)
“Resources for agitators” (Abolitionist Teaching Network, 2021)
“Culturally responsive-sustaining education facilitators guide (NYU Metro Center & EduColor, 2021)
“Not light but fire: How to lead meaningful race conversations in the classroom” (Kay, 2018)
“Summer WORKbook for educators” (Williams, 2020)
“Tools for anti-racist teaching - Using media to know better, teach better” (PBS, 2020)